Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lifting Friday and Monday 6-5; 6-8

There will be lifting Friday 6-5 from 3-5. Coach Hough and I will be here for In-service till 3:00
There will NOT be lifting MOnday 6-8, although I will be here all day for in-service.

Be aware that testing starts on Wednesday. We will be testing each athlete on the following:
Bench Press
Power Cleans
Bench Hops
Shuttle Run
40 Yard Dash
Woods Run

Each mark achieved will equal a certain score and those scores will be added together to determine each athlete's overall condition.
We will be retested the last week before Camp begins.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The importance of summer workouts

When a team places a goal to strive toward they need to progress toward the goal or face the failure of not striving for the goal. We have a dream that has become a goal. The goal will mean reach a pinnacle never before reached by a Northwestern Football team. The Goal of a State Title can be reached and it continues with hard work over the summer. Ww will be working offense and defense all summer to be better prepared to achieve our goals. SUmmer workouts start 6/10, that is next Wednesday!
Region Champions
District Champions
State Champions